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Thread: Most Over/Underrated Class?

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    Default Re: Most Over/Underrated Class?

    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    Or ranged attackers-least until you close with them, which may not always be possible.

    And what about... MOBS OF RANGED ATTACKERS! :P
    Yeah, people like to talk about Fireballing kobolds but even Kobolds actually have decent ranged attacks. They don't have to assume Fireball formation. They just need a steady flow of just enough kobolds Dashing forward each round to grant the rest advantage on their ranged attacks.

    29 kobolds is theoretically an Easy encounter for 4 7th level PCs on paper but it could potentially be a TPK in the right terrain if the kobolds spread out and adopt this tactic, and if the players don't know how to counter it. As a DM it's pretty easy to imagine a setup where a given Fireball only wipes out about 1/3 of the kobolds, and then next round the Fireball caster takes 18 sling attacks at advantage, which will probably kill a single-classed wizard.

    Edit: BTW I'm not actually advocating that you do this very often. I don't actually plan adventures around DMG ratings. I'm just noting that the DMG formula radically underestimates the difficulty of this hypothetical encounter. If I have a clan of 100 kobolds in an adventure, those kobolds will be a major part of that adventure and there will probably be ways to avoid fighting them if the players are canny, because they really are quite a big deal.
    Last edited by MaxWilson; 2019-11-27 at 12:26 PM.