Quote Originally Posted by Chaosticket View Post
When did I ever say a Monk was useless? Stop putting Words in my mouth.

And have you ever been a Dungeon Master? A key point of the job it to make it challenging. Mobs get class levels, monsters get classic templates, enemies come out with battle plans.

Having a One-trick pony like a Stunning Strike Spammer is incredibly narrow minded and easy to counter/be countered.
Whist there is some truth to this, how far do you take it?

When you have a dexterity fighter whose one trick is to shoot things with arrows do you have an encounter immune to piecing damage?

How about a barbarian whose one trick is to hit things with an axe?

I am not saying you should go out of your way to avoid these, but some features are pretty important and are likely to be why someone played a class. Challenging them is fine, but doing it in such a way that it sucks the fun out of the experience isn't.