Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
I see. Do you mind, taking the next mission/episode?
I couldn't yet find balance betweem GMing, and playing Usagi without hogging the roleplay.

tiny nitpick, the Ottokage is in early forties.
Why would he be worried already about succession? This is a diffrent question, however, he might die in the end of "Futility-san" Arc.

hmm, Chunin exams in Konohao could be powerful from many reasons.
This arc, is actually what made fall for the sound.
They seemed so much more... "gang"-ish in comprasion to Konoha. like they have seen sheet
Of course. You'll see some things happening with Jirou and how that will affect Kimiko and thus the team, don't you worry.

as for the succession: I've read a lot of fan-fics where the thought is that the average ninja's lifespan is actually shorter than normal, and that most shinobi don't live past the age of 30, which has some sense to it: a war-torn world that still uses child soldiers isn't exactly one where people expect to live long:
Itachi? yeah, he is 22, and he killed his entire clan when he was 13- the age when most ninja are genin. Kakashi? about 28, 29 and thus so is Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, Obito. Kabuto is about 24 at most.
these are ages that by modern definitions are people that should still have their entire lives ahead of them, and already they're training the next generation while having not much better of an idea of how to handle anything than the kids and teens that stepping up to the plate. war unsurprisingly, screws up life expectancy, how people live their lives- and the mindset isn't much different from how feudal societies like Game in Thrones put sixteen year old into lord positions and expect them to fight and make decisions for entire kingdoms. after all to such a culture, death is everywhere, can't really wait to do anything properly when it needs to be done now.

So a 40 year old kage being someone thinking about a successor is still plausible in Jirou's eyes: after all, lots of ninja don't even get to 40. Sarutobi and Onoki themselves are kind of those rare people who manage to make as old as they do. for perspective, most estimates of the amount of time the whole Village Era of Naruto takes place is somewhere in the range of 80 years, maybe 100 at most. thats one full lived lifetime. to the inhabitants of Naruto, World Wars 1, 2 AND 3 have all happened in the span of time for a man to grow old and die, there might still be people who lived through the first shinobi war, not in great numbers and very old now but they might still be there.

Jirou himself is only 18, having been Genin for probably one year at most and Chunin for five. and thats not some state of genius, thats like the average you can expect. in the real world most armies don't accept recruits until they're 16 and have limited tour of duties that might not even reach five years. ninja life ain't exactly a good one. as for assassinations well....your kind of proving my point about warfare screwing up life expectancy here. if he does get assassinated, that just proves to Jirou that the Otokage was right to already be naming a successor and that he was pushing his age as it was.
like for further proof, Minato Namikaze? early twenties when he died. Yagura Karatachi doesn't look that old either. Gaara was made Kazekage by his village between Ages 13 and 16 and no one even bats an eye at it when he was a psychopathic killer not long before. so these villages being willing to put potentially dangerous unstable jinchuuriki in leadership positions at young ages, just because they're incredibly strong? kind of says a lot about their priorities in this world and what they expect to happen to people in that position.

and yeah, the Chunin Exams being in Konoha would be pretty nice and falls neatly into a plan of mine, and makes sense from an in-world perspective as well because frankly the three Exams a Sound team can most conveniently go to from their geographical position is Konoha, Iwa and Kumo.