Headed South

"Ar, well. That be tricky. We be mostly sand elves, of the deep desert. Some halflings and other outcasts from the oasis cities. We were sailing away from an ambush by pirate-hunters, when there was a flash of light and we be findin' ourselves in a land we don't recognise. Saeshelle says we sailed through some kinda magic door. So, uh, I discussed it with the crew, and we be decidin' to come here. The landship that were chasin' us don't be followin' us, it seems. Unless ye wanted to know somethin' more?" He's not entirely sure he's answered the question satisfactorily, though he remains standing where he is with his hands on his hips.

A translucent entity with a few short tentacles emerges from the windcaller's head. The thing's head is dominated by a large mouth and six eyes.