Manticore's Village

The door is still open, and the driver is shot, the bus slowing down before it even got very fast.

The slaver who'd just shot Alice sees her wounded but still standing, and is worried, whilst the other turns to cover Calm Reed. The slaver that should have just shot the Exalted has instead dropped their gun and has turned to run away... But doesn't get far, as the manticore swoops down and grabs him with its paws.

The other two slavers surrender when they see that, tossing their guns down and sticking their hands in the air. "Please, don't hurt us! We was just doin' our jobs!" The man's voice is deep and gravelly; underneath the mask he wears he's half-orc.


It's not much of a city. The vehicle's dominated by that single massive four-storey-tall front wheel, and there's barely enough space for a hundred people to live aboard. It may be one of the largest vehicles in the Nexus, but by the standards of its homeworld, it's tiny. A true city would have to be very hungry indeed to bother chasing it, and it would barely count as a light snack.

It's also already trying to back up, but it wasn't designed to go backwards. Xeni can see that there's nearly forty people amongst the farms that make up the town's top deck, and most of them have started to mutate, though it's minor in most cases. Extra fingers growing like twigs from their arms, elongated and slender tree-like bodies, black eyes that glimmer with forgotten stars opening across their faces, patches of smooth scales growing from their skin, glassy antlers sprouting from foreheads, knees, elbows and weirder parts of their anatomy. Xeni might also spot the Town Hall, perilously perched upon the arch of the town's great wheel, recycled plastic windows pointing in every direction, but from above it's hard to tell how many people are within.

For their part, the Wrattlers haven't noticed Xeni, too focused on the bank of fog mercifully sparing them further sight of Zee. They seem unaware- or uncaring- of their mutations, as those nearest the edges get back to work on cultivating pumpkins, rye and strawberries.