Issarel Clanyr

Caught in the throws of the dance, Issarel realizes there is no time. The source of the chanting in too far away, the picks piercing the sweet flesh of Joshua too many. If she had time, she might deduce the meaning of the babble these demons were emitting, and come up with some suitable counter. Damn them, there was only the moment and the dance, and the sands of time were falling like Joshua's blood. It was as unintelligable as the babble of the toilet demon....

Issarel flips into the fray, firing an arrow as she screams a challenge at the demons.

Glupyy , demonom kak ty smeyesh' nazyvat' menya el'f!! YA potroshu tebya kak svin'yu i budu pirovat' v tvoyem mozgu!

Spoiler: OOC and Combat
Moving 5' step with a flourish to P20 and firing at N23 demon
To Hit: (1d20+5)[7]
To Damage: (1d8+1)[7] Sneak Damage (if applicable, doubtful)(1d6)[4]
Intimidate/Distract (for my badly garbled and potentially confusing insult: (1d20+4)[11]