[Spako's Tower]

"W-well surely a farm god isn't the smite-y sort, right? I mean, a-as long as we're not, um, anti-farm. A-and I only ever eat unfarmed cows, or pay for the cow i-in advance, so we should be, um, fine? S-so, uh, why not?" Sylvess may be slightly too trusting here.

But Spako will keep him safe, right?


[Ithuriel's Demiplane]

He makes it all sounds so simple, doesn't he? Though in fairness, it is pretty good advice. "There's- there's a lot to unpack there, Wings." Ithuriel rubs her forehead. "You know how impulsive I can be. I mean I basically kidnapped you the first time I brought you here. Next to no warning, no way out, it was very...spur of the moment." She sighs and sits down right there in the snow. "Do you trust me to have those kind of thoughts and not do something stupid? Because I don't know if I trust myself."