[Saunders Residence]

"I have magic powers AND I got eaten by a stupid cat," Melissa grouses. "But they aren't as cool as yours. Oh! This one's pretty cool, though!"


She grins at Isaac.

And her grin just keeps getting bigger and brighter until it is this giant fanged Cheshire Cat smile while her eyes turn the color of a full harvest moon with slit pupils. The rest of her fades from view-


-followed by her smile and eyes vanishing.

Then complete silence.

"I can turn invisible! Your magic force powers are super neat but I bet you can't turn invisible," comes Melissa's voice from... seemingly every direction at once. It has an eerie echoing quality to it.

...one of his gundam models over on the shelf suddenly starts moving of its own accord, as if someone were playing with it. Which someone is.

Isaac will likely notice something weird here. He'll recall getting irritated that someone used to always try to mess with his models, but there's just kind of a blank spot when he tries to recall who. Lucas doesn't touch them, he knows better than that. The more he tries to clamp down on the memory, the more it slips between his fingers.