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Thread: The Revised Fighter, Revised [PEACH]

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default The Revised Fighter, Revised [PEACH]

    After a new player at my table became very bored of saying "I approach" and "I attack" every turn, I've revived an old project: The Revised Fighter. Inspired by Darkest Dungeon's concept of Combat Skills and Camping Skills, this version of the fighter chooses two archetypes instead of one.

    The first archetype, called a Fighting Style, describes the fighter's primary contribution to combat. I've finished four fighting styles (Brawling, Dueling, Sharpshooting, Speedshooting) and have no plans to write any more.

    The second archetype, called an Occupation, describes the fighter's primary contribution outside of combat. None of these are finished, but the four I plan to write are the Commander, Herald, Medic and Scout.

    I'd appreciate your input on what I have so far, and your ideas for how to handle the occupations!
    Last edited by GalacticAxekick; 2019-12-25 at 04:18 PM.