End of Combat

Lydia weaves through the lizardfolk line until she reaches a position to strike at their druid, dealing a grievous wound to the reptilian spellcaster. Jan, seeing that the druid is being handled, conjures another pit - two lizardfolk fall in with pained cries as they hit the bottom. Amearin summons a display of pyrotechnics that connects with the lizardfolk druid, though the female turns and takes the hit as well as possible. It is clear that the spellcaster is spent, as she stumbles to a knee and breathes heavily (disabled at 0 HPs). Frederick begins wading through the lizardfolk, slaying two casually as he makes his way deeper into their midst.

It is Olofire, however, who deals the decisive blow to the savage attackers. With a bite and claw he slices open an artery in the mounted lizardfolk's neck, and without a sound the leader falls off his mount and lands ungraciously on the ground. There he begins to bleed out, eliciting cries of fear from his followers. As the attackers flee, his mount shakes its head and then suddenly withdraws its limbs and necks as far into its shell as possible (full defense action). The lizardfolk druid hobbles away from Lydia, slowed by her injuries but intent on avoiding the fate her leader suffered. All of the unconscious lizards remain on the ground where they fell, and three remain in pits near the keep.

The party has overcome the attacking lizardfolk warband and sent them reeling. How do you wish to deal with the survivors? Will you kill them, take them captive, or allow them to flee when the spell effects wear off?

****Your actions here may have significant consequences!****

The human soldiers have lost men, and some were taken prisoner. Lizardfolk are known to eat mammalian humanoids for food.

HOWEVER, the lizardfolk are intelligent, relatively social reptiles capable of advanced thought. These ones are part of a tribe that may - or may not, depending upon your actions - be more friendly to you if you show mercy now.

This is your call - all options have pros and cons. I need your answer before I can continue significantly beyond the introduction below.

With the lizardfolk attack broken, cheers ring out from the beleaguered soldiers in the keep. Several seconds after the last of the lizardfolk flee (or are killed) the gate opens and the party is ushered inside. Once the door is closed again it become clear that the human soldiers would not have survived this battle if not for the PCs - many of them are already injured, all look tired and dirty, and their supply of arrows has grown perilously low. However, they seem to have maintained much of their military discipline as they are lined up smartly before the heroes. It appears they are currently being led by a young man wearing the stripes of a corporal (the lowest rank of non-commissioned officer ("NCO") in the Greyhawk army - below a sergeant but above a private). With a sharp salute to Frederick and Lydia he addresses the party:

"Thank Heironeous you all are here! We have been fighting off the Twisted Branch attack for nearly a week and had nearly given up hope. I am Corporal Howard, and these are all the men remaining from the garrison. Our Officers were all killed or captured, and I am the only remaining NCO here. On the first day of the attack they broke down the door and grabbed three of our men and Lieutenant Marzena, our battle-mage. Last we saw them they were being dragged into the swamp. We are few in number and in bad shape...I know you just got here and I am not in a position to give our saviors orders, but would you be willing to find them and bring them back before they become lizard food?

The only hope we really have of you finding them and getting them back is in one of our...guests?...Captives...? I'm not sure what to call him. Ssyath came to us about a month ago, claiming that he was a member of the Twisted Branch tribe who was, well, unwelcome to return. He wanted to help ensure his tribe didn't do something stupid that would wipe them out - like attacking our keep and bringing down the wrath of Greyhawk on them. Claimed he had been shown mercy by some folk up near Diamond Lake. He will know where their lair is.

We don't really trust him yet, but when the fighting started we had him come up to the walls and confirm which tribe of lizardfolk it was. He seemed really upset to see his old clutchmates attacking, so maybe he means what he says about wanting to help. Shall we bring him up from his cell? Would you let him lead you to their lair to rescue our brothers- and sister-in-arms?