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Thread: Skyside 6: Return of the Cheddar

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Hattish Thing's Avatar

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    Default Re: Skyside 6: Return of the Cheddar

    [The Silken Whisper]

    The goblin frowns a little deeper as Zee glares suspiciously towards her, offering a look of relative offense in response, her expressive face more than conveying her feelings regarding the situation. This was all absolutely bizarre, had that weird woman from the holiday party followed her here? All the bars in all the Nexus, and she just happened to show up here? It wasn't even a special night! No, this had to be something more. With a somewhat troubled look, Larza glances towards the others playing the game of cards, raising a clawed finger.

    She seems almost exasperated.

    "Sorry boys, one second. This chick owes me money."


    At that, she'll clamber up and out of her chair, setting her cards down as she does so. The thief moves with great confidence, and as she approaches Zee, she whispers aggressively, resting up against a nearby stool. "Hey, so. The hell you doing here?" With a glance, she notices Minerva, whistling and waving.

    "That's a fancy get-up. Kinda sexy. I heard that chest armor shaped like that ain't good for like, swords or something, though. I dunno."
    Last edited by Hattish Thing; 2019-12-29 at 05:27 AM.