Warehouse 89

"Maybe visit him for guns, then. He builds lots of things, but... I think he's got ADHD or something. Man can't concentrate on anything." He can't really afford to, since his inspiration is supernatural and works best when he's unable to concentrate.

Heavyhanded will put the crate at the back of the warehouse, near a wall of crates and boxes separating a working area from this customer-fronting one. Inside, there's a dentist's chair covered in straps and restraints, a battered car engine hooked up to a really bright standing-light (currently off, since it's daytime and there's plenty of natural light here), a refrigerated shipping container powered by a custom-built generator with a spinning windmill on top and a surgical table. "So then, Sir. You want Power, do you? Sit in the chair. Don't worry about the straps just yet- I've got some questions to ask first. First, what kind of Power? Physical enhancement, like Heavyhanded, physical alteration like Statuette" he gestures to a concrete statue standing by another entrance to the warehouse, "a ranged ability like Shocker on the roof or a concealment Power, like Little Doggy." When he mentions her name, Little Doggy appears, collapsing the transparent forcefield in front of her that she was, nevertheless, able to hide behind. "Secondly, do you have any abilities that could be described as magical, unnatural, supernatural or unusual, not counting anything caused by relics, artefacts or equipment that you do not directly integrate into your body? Cybernetics count as integrated and deserve mention. How about any phobias or mental health issues? How are you with needles and the sight of blood? Also, I cannot remove a Power once it has been given, and not all attempts are successful. It has been three months since the last death as a result of an injection, and nearly a year since the last result worse than death." He motions for Simon to sit on the chair, and if he doesn't back out t this point, he'll start strapping Simon down. "Side effects may include, but are not limited to, loss of appetite, nightmares, night terrors, reduced or eliminated need for food, drink or sleep, physical mutation, cellular regeneration, paranoia, weight gain, weight loss, flight, enhanced, reduced or additional senses, increased appetite, lethargy, amnesia, hair growth, hair loss, audiovisual hallucinations and kidney stones. This is your last chance to change your mind. Do you understand?"