[The Silken Whisper]

Okay yeah Zee totally should do something about silverfish friend.

That sounds like an absolutely awful way to die. Like what wasps do to spiders. No thanks.

But she can't just kill the thing. It would rot inside of the person's abdominal cavity and that would result in bad things. It could be removed surgically without too much trouble. But how many people would listen to a random person at a brothel telling them that they have a giant leech-bug in their guts waiting to chew its way to freedom?

Or... oh! She could incapacitate it somehow. Prevent it from hatching. It would keep leeching resources from the... not quite human? It would get bigger and more uncomfortable. That would probably cause enough discomfort to get it examined by a doctor and removed.

Best plan!

She'll just need to-

Oh right other things are going on.

"I mean, I guess?" Zee ventures in reply to Minerva's question. "I don't really know her. But she's a burglar and we're breaking into a ship to cause problems for them so that kind of skill set could be useful. Plus, this seems like a pretty obvious case of Nexus Serendipity to me. Like how I just happened to be in the same place that you were in. This sort of thing happens all the time. People are always getting pulled together to solve problems that they didn't even know were problems to begin with."

Problems like an infestation of gene-stealers on a really big space ship.

"So are you a thief or a burglar?" Zee asks curiously. "The former being the sneaky-stealy-stabby sort of person and the latter being the sneaky-stealy-stealthy sort of person? Have you ever fought a monster that can rip a guy's head off before?"

All important questions, since we're taking interviews at the moment.

Was there something else she was going to do?

Oh right!

The silverfish lamprey thing!

She leans against the wall, sticks her hands in her pockets, and kind of... unfolds them.

This would be so much easier if she could just perform surgery on the guy like a normal person. But noooooo! Random space people don't accept surgery from random ladies they meet at brothels. So she has to be all clandestine about it and use up her precious store of cheatery. She makes a careful poke at the egg from perpendicular to reality, attempting to foul a few important developmental gene pathways to prevent it from ever actually hatching. The guy the egg is hanging out in might feel inexplicably itchy all of a sudden.

[Warehouse 89]

Once it's out of sight the cherub will begin singing its sad, wordless song again.

Simon, meanwhile, sits down in the chair.

"Uh, I mean, no not really. I ain't really into the religious stuff like the boss is. Just a good pair of arms and decent aim with a gun," the man admits. "I'm already pretty strong, I guess, so maybe something ranged? A shooting power would be pretty good, I think. Like those guys in the movies that shoot lasers outta their eyes."

It would appear Simon is a simple man with simple tastes.

He rubs his chin thoughtfully.

"I think centipedes are pretty creepy. Does that count as a phobia?" he asks.

It isn't a phobia, for the record. He doesn't enter a state of irrational panic upon seeing one.

They just give him the jeeblies.

Then he nods. "Yeah, I think I got it Prof. A bit dangerous but hey, I do dangerous work already."

Janitorial and abomination fighting stuff!