Warehouse 90

"Wait, you'll be selling what I give you? I'm not sure I can help. I'm sorry. I can't do standardised." He stands up and starts to pace. "I build a lot of stuff. A lot. Guns, armour, cars, lots. But batteries and generators I do best. But I work best when I'm not at my best. I build faster, the stuff I build has more charges, or shoots further, or is hardier, or it's more efficient. Everything I build, every single thing, is built when I'm unable to focus and concentrate. I build when I'm exhausted and should have gone to bed two days ago, when I'm hungry and haven't eaten anything but vitamin pills for a week, when I've deliberately put myself on a caffeine rush and sugar high. I... Don't want to disappoint you, but I can't make anything to a standard. It doesn't work." He's really worried he's just upset a bunch of angry thugs with guns, and he's out here with only what he's got in his pockets.

Warehouse 89

As he makes his choices, Professor Payne nods and moves from the wheelchair onto a computer chair, which creaks alarmingly under his weight. He scoots that to the shipping container, opens it up and returns with a small vial he's fitting a needle to. Heavyhanded, meanwhile, duplicates his arms to strap Simon in place and push his sleeve up. "I don't think so. If it did, this injection might be shaped by it." Meaning a centipede blasty power.

When he arrives, he'll inject the contents of the serum into Simon's arm. This will hurt, quite a bit. As none of Professor Payne's serums are identical, and neither are the people who take them, exactly what Power he gets is impossible to determine- though usually, people start using it automatically shortly after they receive it. Previous distance powers include Shocker's ability to throw lightning (which makes him flash like an x-ray), Spewer's ability to vomit liquid fear at people, and Shunt's telekinetic bubble.

The Silken Whisper

It might not even cause the discomfort- the egg's stopped leeching resources now, and was mostly using the Sebacean's body as an incubator. Also, it probably wouldn't rot, as that would require access to bacteria that don't usually survive entering the body- except via open wounds. It'd probably become something akin to a lithopedion. The Sebacean does itch his stomach as Zee works, blissfully unaware that somebody he doesn't know is saving his life from something he doesn't even know would have killed him.

Hopefully none of his shipmates have similar parasites... But Zee can't do anything about that here and now, she'd have to visit his ship to find out.