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Thread: Skyside 6: Return of the Cheddar

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Skyside 6: Return of the Cheddar

    [Warehouse 89]

    "Mutation? Like what?" Simon asks, running a hand through his hair at Petrov's comment. He can feel that his hair feels like... it has gel in it? Or something? "Uh... yeah, let me try something..."

    He holds his hand out toward the mannequins and suddenly a wildly zig-zagging bolt of riotous color springs from his palm! Upon reaching the point he had imagined it detonates in a writhing sphere about five feet across, reducing the object caught in the effect into a heap of Lego bricks matching the color (and volume) of the original mannequin.

    "Huh," he grunts. "That's weird."

    Then he tries it again.

    This time around there isn't a bolt at all, just a huge octahedron of strobbing, colorful sparks a full forty feet across from one face to another. Everything caught within the pulse of CHAOS has been turned into rich, dark soil with several daisies sticking out of it where the mannequins once were.

    "Heh. Hehe.... Makes stuff push up daisies I guess?" Simon laughs.

    "Raw chaos magic," Yani observes. "Quite lethal to the demons. Not so useful against fairys, but that's what steel-jacketed bullets are for."
    Last edited by Rebonack; 2019-12-29 at 10:27 PM.
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