[The Silken Whisper]

"Also to chat with the rest of the shuttle crew," Zee adds. That part is very important, since it will prevent said crew from causing additional trouble. "And I had come to New Inside to try hamburger shops. And we had come here to find a ship to get you back home, not to discover a dangerous conspiracy. Sometimes things fall together in an auspicious way. Couldn't it be... I dunno... the providence of the Emperor or something?"

The Emperor looking out for his faithful sister of battle!

Maybe fortuitous things happen sometimes?

Zee smiles and scarcely refrains from doing a little clap. "Sounds like we've got a heist on our hands. So let's see... We've got the bruiser, that's Minerva. And the face. That's probably me. And the mechanic is obviously the machine priest. I probably should have asked her name," Zee mutters, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. Then she points at Larza. "So you must be the acrobat."


They've got it all worked out.

"Which means we just need to wait for the rest of our friends to finish here," she concludes, glowering at the ceiling and willing the rest of the shuttle crew to come down stairs so they can politely murder them.