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Thread: Skyside 6: Return of the Cheddar

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    Orc in the Playground
    Earl of Purple's Avatar

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    Feb 2008
    With folk in the North

    Default Re: Skyside 6: Return of the Cheddar

    Warehouse 89

    "I... Do not travel easily. I shall send Statuette or Heavyhanded, I think." He's a little too big to walk, so he'd have to pushed in his chair all the way. Which in turn means there's two less people to guard his warehouse/lab, rather than one.

    An advantage with sending Statuette is she doesn't actually need to hire a shuttle to reach Groundtown. She just needs to pick a suitably resilient material, jump off and curl into a ball. Little bit scary for her, though.

    Warehouse 90

    "Polly, put that in my schedule for tomorrow. And mark it as unchangeable." There's a ding from a parrot-shaped drone perched atop the fridge.
    "Schedule set and locked." It rises from the fridge and moves away from Liam and Marko.
    "Polly's not for sale. She's my memory parrot." Which is far too important to get rid of, since Liam can't afford to focus because that hampers his building.

    The Silken Whisper

    The hybrid stumbling out the door turns around, not headed back to the ship but instead going around the building, using it to keep himself steady. He doesn't notice Minerva following him, if she does so, and will unzip his flies and start to relieve himself.

    Zee will not be given a glass. She's given a dented tin cup filled with a strong home-brewed alcohol. It's made from fruit, but that doesn't change the fact it's made by somebody more interested in potency than flavour. At least it's sweeter than the alternatives.
    Last edited by Earl of Purple; 2019-12-31 at 01:19 PM.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!