Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
[Back at the Mad Fronts]

Shazhan turns back to Affy and holds up his hand with three 'fingers' in the air as he was pressing them against something. "Not detect but predict. They will be sending drones, small hard-light constructions equipped to scan the city." An illusionary drone appears in the space that Shazhan was pressing his fingers against and rotates around slowly. It's nearly a perfect purple sphere about the size of a football that have no recognizeable features.
"They're not especially intimidating, but I've used similar constructs to help KABAL's drug dealing within the city. Now, I doubt KABAL would be very happy if we claimed that they were attacking the city but as the attack is false they can later accuse the city of bias..." He waves his hand dismissively. "Or something. The point is that such rumors would create a lot of confusion. Especially if I used my own drones to attack the city at the same time. There would be no way to tell which drones were hostile and which ones are peaceful as mine would be able to copy their's apperance as they transfer into the city. It would be a diplomatic disaster." Staring at the illusionary drone, he taps the bandages forming his 'chin'. "However, involving KABAL and the drones might draw their attention to me so perhaps something else would be more suited. But on the other hand, they would suspect me either way. Not something we can do anything about unless..." Shazhan looks away thoughtfully. "We frame someone else for everything. There are people of flesh outside the collective with some level of access to ethereal technology. I'll contact them under the guise of someone else, perhaps a member of AMEN, and pay them to take the fall for the whole thing. My people wouldn't even know how to punish people of flesh for a crime this grave so it would likely work out on their end too." The ethereal turns to Affy. "Or am I just overcomplicating things now? I have a tendency to."
[Back at the Mad Fronts]

"Oh no no, no you're not overcomplicating things, Shazhan. No, the plan just needs one little alteration." Affidavit leans forwards. "You just need to teach me how to replicate the drones." He reaches out with one hand and with a little spark of light, duplicates Shazhan's illusory drone. "We copy their drones, we attack Inside, we warn them beforehand and we blame KABAL. But in the end, we make sure it's clear that it leads back to me, not you. You're clean, and I'm a ghost. They can run around in little circles chasing phantoms all they like."