Late video because I was ****ing slammered last night in terms of sleepiness.

The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks [16] Bird O' Clock

Video Length: 23:42

In this episode, we do some quick stamp collecting at the Ocean Temple, Ocean Sanctuary, and the village whose name I forget. Of course I say "quick" but in the case of at least the village, quick is anything but what it actually is. With our whip we can do a lot of cool stuff, and unfortunately calling in Carben's bird friends is one of them. It's... not a very good call, because unlike what you'd expect these are not guys we swing from, but instead things we hold onto as they transport us. This isn't necessarily bad, except... as you can see in the village, sometimes it's unclear what the right bird is!

To put it mildly, it was a little frustrating, and it kinda negatively impacted me for the rest of the video. Not in like a signifigent way, but enough to make me ramble on a bit about how the train portion of the game is kinda dull. Which don't get me wrong; I like the train riding, and it does have depth, it's just that each realm has its threats, and it never really changes things up, and it seems at least to me like they always show up in the same exact spots. It is the unfortunate curse of trains; they are on rails, so things stay perhaps a bit too consistent. Phantom Hourglass's steam ship was kinda awful and rough to deal with, but there was some degree of variety there. For good or ill.

That all aside, we end off at the Tower of Spirits, getting ready for our next excursion into the place. I hope you all enjoyed, I'll see you all next time. Take care!