I feel sorry for trying to make this flaw with a fascination with magical caravans that are able to talk *raises hand* it was me.

I still think that part of the flaw should be a dependency on medication. have any of you non autistics ever met someone with ADD unmedicated? they do stupid things without medication. I myself used to be the impulsive afraid of nothing child who wasted his pocket money on stupid things, but medication calmed me down. I don't think I would have passed my final exams without medication. but thats just me.

the thing about magical caravans that are able to talk, that was from some research I personally did. most aspies seem to have an affinity with the train system and its complex timetables. that and most aspies loved thomas the tank engine at some point in their life.

If I designed the flaw, it would have may feats based upon it, building up to a +10 on spellcraft checks regarding creating new spells/maneuvers/finding new vestiges/ chicken sacrifices/ whatever. I still think auties are mildly psionic.