Lydia watches the incident with Dr. Olofire dispassionately, although she makes note of the fractured discipline between the small group. Not good...

She then struggles to read the lizardman Ssayth's intention in his tone and body language during his speaking, but both are too alien for her to get an accurate gauge of his honesty. He certainly seems earnest, though. "So, you're saying that the reason for your tribe-mates' aggression is that the chieftain is in the thrall of some... black wyrm. And if we follow you into the swamp we have a chance to rescue the captives before they're sacrificed and to break the wyrm's hold on your people, thereby reestablishing the peace. Is that about right?"

Another thought occurs to Lydia. "Wait a minute, you said the swamp was plagued by "sickness and worms". What kind of worms? Were they anything like this..." She goes on to describe the green specimens that had mysteriously appeared all around the roadside house this morning. As she does, she casts uneasy glances towards Frederick and the rest of the group. This assignment was getting more and more complicated by the day! The rumors of some 'worm apocalypse' couldn't possibly be true... could they?