Quote Originally Posted by SZbNAhL View Post
The thing about the Playground's moderation is that rather than making an arguably arbitrary ruling about which are the "correct" political or religious views, Rich has simply banned all religious or political views from being espoused. This conveniently renders any potential biases on the parts of any mods irrelevant - I have no idea what any of them think about anything controversial, and they'd censure [sic] me to the same extent for telling others what I think about anything controversial regardless of whether or not they agree.
I never claimed it was a good example, just am example

On a completely unrelated note, the powers that be have decided that January isn't miserable enough and have given me an essay the length of my undergraduate dissertation to write in three weeks (alongside my regular teaching timetable) on a topic that I have had a single one-hour lecture on.

Here's to hoping that accuracy isn't a requirement. And for the you that lives in the real world, ouch, maybe they're trying to get you used to the amount of admin work teachers have to do?