Quote Originally Posted by The Fury View Post
I'm in my last term of my mechanic training. I'm pretty ambivalent about it. On the one hand, I'm close to accomplishing something, which is cool. It really does feel like I've come a long way, almost two years ago I showed up to class with my hand in a sling and considering quitting because I literally could not do anything. (No hyperbole, most things mechanics do require use of their dominant hand and preferably both.) Of the twenty students admitted into our cohort only nine made it to the last term.

I'm going to miss the school though. I already miss the students that aren't in the final term with us. I'm grateful for all the staff and students that helped me along the way because they could see I was trying, and I feel like I'll never have the vocabulary to properly thank them.
Congrats on the milestone!

In my opinion, the best way to repay good teachers is to putting their lessons to good practise. That is likely thanks enough.

Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
So I've been thinking about The Phantom Menace, and I've realised something.

If we take Jar Jar at his word (and there's no reason not to) the reason he was banished from Otoh Gunga was because he's clumsy. But looking at the film, his motor skills are impaired to the point where he'd have trouble with everyday tasks, and he struggles to keep things in this hands, to the point where he's probably legitimately disabled. Maybe to the point of dyspraxia, we don't really get enough evidence in the film itself, but certainly enough that he'd struggle to live a normal life without support. He does have good acrobatic ability, but otherwise both his gross and fibe motor skills are subpar. He's essentially exiled because his need for help was ignored until he caused s major accident.

I think I now know much better why I liked him so much as a kid (and why Gungans are still my favourite Star Wars species).
Huh. Interesting theory.

I'll be honest, I always was partial to Sith agent theory my self.