Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
Huh. Interesting theory.

I'll be honest, I always was partial to Sith agent theory my self.
While I'm not exactly against Darth Darth Binks as a theory, I do think that there's not really anything in the film supports it. Plus if there was a Sith agent among them then the obvious place to insert them would be those Naboo soldier guys or the Queen's handmaidens.

Plus, well, I was trying to work out why Jar Jar makes me smile despite all the problems with him, considering I'm not five anymore. And I think it's because I grew up to a disablity* which had similar effects, to the point where I would get shouted at and asked if I didn't know where my body is (for he record, not if it's not in motion or touching something, and I think I got the diet version of my various disabilities). I still knock over cups and drop things in my hands just because I don't realise that's where I am before it's too late.

* As in I had a diagnosis, and really should look into getting it updated.