Poor Bern has barely slept a wink the past week. He has been flitting from council to council. He begged the diviners high up in the mountains to believe his meeting with Petr. He implored the druids that guard the bird sanctuary to bring the flower arrangements to the Moon Pool. He suffered the trials of the Warrior Transmuters to convince them of his honesty. And somehow, despite the enormity of his demand, the people were convinced. Perhaps it was his brazen certainty, or the vigour with which he made his plea. Or perhaps it was the subtle benevolence of Petr themselves that made the people inclined to believe. Regardless of how, by dusk on the seventh day, everything was in order. Small market stalls of lightweight bamboo have been erected alongside the riverbank. Baskets of fish and fruit, food and drink have been prepared. Magicite stones, enchanted by the island's artificers, provide the heat to prepare the food. Intricate creations of wood and flowers hang from the trees all around the pool, and altars of pearl and coral honour the gods with small offerings in preparation for the feast itself.

The sun had just begun touching the ocean far off in the horizon when the procession towards the Moon Pool began in earnest. Small lanterns made from light wood, coated in a layer of fire-retardant aquamancy has been painted by the children of the island. The lanterns each carry a single tallow candle that is lit down by the beach and then carried high, one lantern from each family. Everyone makes the journey. The young are carried by their parents. The old are carried by their children. And those suffering burns from attempts to master the art of fire are carried by the priests of Petr. As they walk up, they are joined by all sorts of animals. Predator and prey, large and small. Hyenas and rabbits walk among themselves and the mortals. A painted dog carries her pup in her mouth, while an elephant helps a one-legged pygmy by letting him ride on it's back. When the procession arrives at the Moonpool, a flock of white doves has already placed itself in a protective circle around the Pool itself. Visible even in nothing but the pale moonlight. One by one the people of Sanctuary take their lanterns and place them upon the surface of the lake. There they slowly drift across the water, like uncountable stars drifting upon a perfectly blue mirror. A reflection of the heavens above.

Then all is silent. A silence so intense it can be heard. Gone are the gentle sway of wind through leaves. The lap of waves upon shores. The animals, the birds, even the insects are all silent. As if the whole world for one brief moment holds it's breath.

Then the lantern lights go out. Someone, no one's quite sure who, begins to sing. It's a song they all know well.

O galu e agamalu
Lulu ia susulu
E vave le lele
E ala i lona malosi
puipuia lo matou fale
ma fa'amalosia i matou
upega mamafa mamafa
seia mae'a le la

Even the wild beasts join in. A chorus of howls and barks and trumpets to sing glory and praise to this auspicious event.


Where the moon reflects upon the lake, a thick mist forms. It rises up in spirals, followed by waves of water obscuring all sight. It forms a globe that suddenly collapses, the water falling back to the lake and the mists spraying the sky above to form a most brilliant rainbow that crosses the entire lake, crisper and clearer than any rainbow before has ever been, easily visible despite the moon being the only light. And beneath the rainbow stands Petr themselves. A brilliant smile upon their face, arms stretched open as if to welcome the people of sanctuary into their arms. "My Children. I have returned!" Petr's voice rings like tiny bells, and is somehow still louder than the raucous roars and cheers from the people of the island.

Petr calmly walks towards the shore. As they walk, light and water coalesce into their grip, forming a rime-tinted scroll. When their feet touch land, they make a gentle gesture towards the crowd. Small drops of crystal clear water touch the mortals. "You have done well to come so far. You have kept to the teachings of old and created a beautiful sanctuary where life can grow and thrive. For your devotion I bring gifts and grand news. The first is a gift of grace and presence. Other gods have chosen to bear witness to your hospitality. May your offerings make me proud of your works." With a grand gesture Petr introduces the divine who have chosen to not just be present, but make an appearance.

"The second is a gift of wisdom and power. One of the gods has created a system that will permit mortals to touch upon the divinity of the world, to properly understand it's expressions and intricacies. And I bring here instructions to those who wish to study the art of reflection. To see how all things echo unto one another into eternity." They take the scroll and present it to a nearby priest. They wait for the stir of the crowd to fade once more before gently placing a hand on their middle.

"As for the third. I bring most wonderful news. I am with child."

Spoiler: Action!

36 AP
-18 AP/DC 14: Create Demi-God - Nerassus (+2 Love/Justice):
Petr will create a child of their own. They hope to create a child who can take care of the world while they are gone. A great protector who can travel the world, interact with and take care of mortals, guide the worthy to the island, and shelter damaged souls in his embrace. To this task they utilize

Moonpool +2: The place of his birth. Petr uses the unique connection forged between Ymon-Thal's realm and the mortal world to tie the mortal to the realm between life and death, giving them a place to be shielded and reborn, and one metaphorical foot in both worlds, allowing him to interact with both the body and soul.
Water +2: Petr will give him lifeblood. The ability to feel what mortals feel. To take part in their pains and joys. Petr will also give him a mastery of water equal to their own mastery of water. They will be skilled in reading wind and weather, a masterful sailor who never need fear the deep ocean. With their mastery they can summon and divert rains at will.
Healing +2: Petr will give him a mastery of the physical body as well. They may knit flesh with a touch, revitalize the heart, and even alter the physical form of what he touches to something he deems more suitable.
Rainbow +1: To allow him to travel freely, Petr will create a rainbow carriage that will be useable only by Nerassus, allowing them to travel across the sky with Petr's emblem.

The news send the crowd into a frenzy of cheers and whoops. With a voice that rings over the crowd Petr declares the festival to begin, and the evening becomes a blur of festivities and song. The gods hidden among mortals are given the chance to try sweet drinks from fermented sugar-cane and rice-water. The gods who make their presence known are honoured with small crafts of coral, pearl and magicite. The air becomes thick with the smell of rice fried with pineapple and seafood. And when Timorin takes to the stage with their play, the islanders betray their ignorance by laughing at the most foolish couple to have ever graced a stage. The party doesn't end until the sun once more starts to creep over the horizon, at which point Petr gives each and every person on the island a gentle hug. For one incredible moment everything is right.

And then they wake up. The gods are gone, and the festival from yesterday seems but a faint dream. But a grand time was had by all. They have to do this again next year.


"Thank you all for coming and joining in on the festivities. We have given the mortals an experience that will not soon be forgotten. Furthermore, I hope you will all look with benevolence upon my child and help guide him on the right path. And perhaps help give him the power to offer his protection even outside Sanctuary."

Spoiler: Kahar-Djin
"Especially you I have a request for. You wove a prison into the wards that shield the island. One that will keep any master of Su'Sorcery within the island forever. I accept this, but I expect you to help ensure my child does not suffer the same bindings. As freeform Su'Sorcerers enter the island, my people will need someone to shelter them, that they do not become a helpless target for such violence. My son will thus need both to utilize Su'Sorcery, and to move about freely. And so, in this instance I expect your assistance."