Ymon-Thal (feat. Nestellbam), 32/50 AP, The Passing

Floating through the air high above the shapeless ground and gazing at the Passing's twin sort-of-suns both aspect of the Eternal Argument felt content and, for the first time in existence, truly at peace. Despite the seemingly chaotic nature of the newborn plane, no mortal souls yet giving it form, everything was in perfect order.

Ymon-Thal felt the souls of the dead and not yet born as clearly as if they had been his own fingers, no longer were they flying around at random with luck and chance deciding who would be reborn. Order had replaced chaos and the dead were swarming around Kahar-Djin's portals, soon to enter the afterlife for the first time.

But first there was one debt yet to repay and a position to fill. Ymon-Thal let his manifestations dissolve and reappeared in the mortal world, next to one of portals of the dead.

“Nestellbam", Thal greeted one of the two waiting by the portal. Then he turned towards the mortal soul at the Preserver's side. "Verys. A pleasure to meet you. We are Ymon-Thal, God of Life and Death."

Ymon, silent for once, waited in the background, only raising his hand in greeting of the Mad God and his dead follower.

“Greetings, gods of life and death. I have felt your attempts to create an afterlife- this here is my faithful servant, Verys, who has served me well. I ask that you preserve her soul in this afterlife, and that she may know here the peace she never had in life”, Nestellbam said and took his leave.

"You are favored by the gods, Verys. Nestellbam asked a favor for you, to be the first mortal to enter the afterlife." He paused. "And we have a very special destiny in mind for you."

Had Verys still had veins full of blood, she would likely had grown pale.

"Such a people person..." Ymon mumbled before stepping to his other self's side. "Hi! Don't mind him, Verys. We just have an offer for you. It's real good!"

Ymon reached out and took Verys' hand in his own, sitting down on the ground between her and the portal to the Passing.

"Come on, have a seat!" With a combination of force of personality and force of strength Ymon made Verys sit down on the stony ground next to him. "Comfortable, right? Everything's a cushion when you're all spirit."

Unusually patient and coherent Ymon explained their plan to her and as he did Verys' expression changed from terrified to curious to determined.

"We don't need you, if you don't wanna. Not exactly you, at least. Just someone like you."

"Like me?" Verys asked, her first words since meeting Ymon-Thal. "Like me how?"

"Clever. Determined. Caring", Thal said, from behind her. "And dead at the right time."

Ymon took Verys' hand again and led her through the portal to the Passing. As they arrived the surrounding landscape changed into a small hill next to Petr's ever present river, perhaps based on some memory of Verys.

As per Nestellbam's request Verys was the first mortal soul to enter the Passing but within moments others poured in, appearing in flashes of light in the landscape as far as the eye could see.

“So many...” Verys mumbled.

“Yes”, Thal agreed. “People die every instant and this is where they come...”

“Waiting to be born anew.” Ymon added. “They really need someone to look after them though. And like I said before...”

“You want it to be me”, Verys said.

Both of Ymon-Thal nodded.

Verys was quiet, staring out at the River of Purity, its flowing water looking almost still compared to the ever changing landscape around it.

“Yes. I want to do it”, she said after a long moment of silence, broken only by the river and the calls of Avestra's flock flying high above.

“Good”, Ymon said, taking her hand for a third time as Thal took her other one. The Twin God draw on their power and let it flow through them, into the still-mortal Verys.

"Verys of the Aeons, blessed by Nestellbam, be gone. Be reborn as Thal-Verys of the Passing, chosen by Ymon-Thal", spoke Ymon-Thal.

Spoiler: Action!

Create Thal-Verys, Demigodess of Souls (+2)
Verys is remade into Thal-Verys to look after the souls of the dead (+2 Death) or the not yet born (+2 Life) and the uphold the balance (+1 Balance) of the Passing.