Dew'eyera: Sanctuary Castle

"Look, it's not that I mind letting these... creatures waltz around and talk to people. As long as they're peaceful it's all the same to me. But I just don't see why we should be bothering to build boats for them just because they don't have hands. Hi Misty. And secondly." Dew'Eyera blinks and turns around, barely catching the bottom part of his daughter's dress as she hurries off in another direction. He turns back to P'ua with a sigh. "We'll continue the talk later okay?"

"Of course." P'ua can't help but chuckle to himself as he watches Dew hurry after his daughter. The sound of footsteps clacking through the magnificent, divinely built structure. Dew'eyera finally finds his daughter in one of the top towers, gazing wistfully at the setting sun.

"Misty, where have you been?! I haven't seen you since the festival!"

"Around." The young woman snarks back, her voice barely a whisper as she lightly shifts the memento given her by her date about, trying to keep it out of her father's sight.

"Around where? I searched all the usual spots, and even asked the treewhisperers if they could find you." Dew crosses his arms across his chest, glaring sternly at his daughter.

"Look, I'm not a kid anymore. Don't you have some people you have to bury or something?"

"Dor Mist'Eyera Hua'Thal!" Dew's voice rings chillingly through the room, making the young necromancer wince. "I am your father and I will not have you backsass me like that."

Misty frowns, lightly rubbing her hands together with a sigh. "Fine. Fine. I was on a date okay? Not someone you know, now will you please get off my back?"

"I'll get off your back when you stop being as stubborn as a donkey." Dew's voice softens slightly, but only just a bit. "Who? Where?"

"None of your business okay? Sheesh. It was just a guy. It won't work out anyway cause." She shrugs. "Reasons. He just took me to see some ruins okay?"

"Misty... what have I told you. The ruins are no place for a young woman to."

"Yes yes. I've heard it many times before. Just... ugh. Do you get why I didn't wanna tell you?" She sulks, turning her back pointedly to her father.

Dew'eyera sighs, watching his daughter for a good minute. But as she refuses to turn back to him, he shakes his head sadly. "I have work to attend to. We'll talk later. You're grounded by the way."

"Wha. You can't ground me. I'm an adult!"

"Then perhaps you could act like one."


Peter: Eaglebeak Rock, Kanto Desert

The creation of such a resplendent artifact has drawn Peter's attention. The ability to enter dreams is a powerful gift to give mortals. Especially in a place as inhospitable as this. But if someone has managed to make it all the way out here, then perhaps it should be only fair to give them a slight, subtle nudge.

Drawing a hand across the ground, Peter shifts the stone and sand, sprinkling hardy seeds that will grow to reveal a rainbow of flowers in time. Subtle blooms whose colours shift from red to violet the closer one gets to the cave itself.

Spoiler: Avestra Help
+2 Water and +1 Rainbow for a total of +3 to create a rainbow of colourful flowers near Eaglebeak Rock.