Spoiler: Help Su'ule
Seemingly small changes can have vast ripple effects. Especially when dealing with weather and climate. Su'ule's touch in the Gnaw Wastes doesn't go unnoticed by Petr. The creation of a temperate zone in what is otherwise tundra bordering arctic is definitely going to play havoc with weather patterns.

At least if you leave things as is. But Su'ule has given Petr's child a blessing. And so it's only fair that in turn, Petr shields Su'ule's children from the worst of the weather. And perhaps throw in something interesting if they venture further out into the wastes.

Help: Water +2: Petr weakens the effects of a temperate zone in the wastes on weather to keep it from being a constant zone of bitter winds and storms.

Healing +2: Petr spreads around hardy tubers and root vegetables that can survive the Graw Wastes.