[Headed South]

"I see," Kaydara says simply. Balthius probably would have been a better choice for this, but the mad scientist is currently busy. "Well, I'm sure we can help you with your goals, if you're willing to reciprocate in kind. I assume your crew is well-versed in the art of battle?"

[HQ Cafeteria]

Kaydara nods, mentally flicking through accommodations while Nemo finishes her meal, before finding something suitable.

"I believe I have something that should suit nicely," she says, standing slowly. "A little more private, but there are common areas nearby, if that sounds good."

[Dark Wilderness]

The hardened android soldiers pause when they hear the goat bleat. Two of them take several quick, cautious steps to put them closer to Larukh, moving to shield him should something jump out and try to attack. The others simply aim their weapons towards the source of the sound, but no one actually fires. Not yet, anyways. They wait for either a target to expose itself, or for Larukh to order them to fire. Professional bunch, all of them.

[Road From the Northeast]

Kaydara leads Emily through the checkpoint and up the road a bit, to a larger gate and garrison with a secure garage, where some of the vehicles Emily saw on patrol earlier are parked. Kaydara gestures to an open spot.

"Your bike will be safe here." She gestures towards a large door. "This way, please. Would you like something to drink?"

[HQ Main Building - Meetings]

There's a stillness for a moment, as the dragons seem to be considering. Then, all at once, there are dozens of deep voices laughing in amusement. They must have been able to pick up on what Malice and Rasputin were saying to each other, even though they made no indication to stop it. Even Kaydara, Balthius, and Chaeron look amused, though they do not speak. Finally, the din dies down, and what is clearly the red dragon speaks.

"This one has spirit! Good! We approve." Kaydara herself nods at Malice, but still does not speak. The black dragon above Balthius speaks next, instead.

"He is amusing. We have no objection." Balthius's head doesn't move, but he raises an arm, and gives Malice a thumbs up. Chaeron himself speaks next, though his mouth never moves.

"The Well approves." He makes no gesture one way or the other, but finally, the blue speaks once more.

"We can move forward, then. We have an offer to make you, Malice." No more the address as "mortal", or the attempt to intimidate. The image of the sickly blue dragon drifts down to address Malice from an "even" footing, at eye level. "Use your knowledge and power to repair me. This much you have probably surmised. In return, I will bond with you, and grant you my power, knowledge, and control over all of the forces I create. We will be true allies, both strengthening the other, a symbiosis, neither controlling the other, but both aiding one another, my goals will be your goals, and you will represent me in all things going forwards. What say you?"