Blaze begins gathering up bulb after bulb of the tannis root, each one loosing a horrific shriek as it is pulled from the ground. Clods of dirt come up with each root, which Blaze stuffs quickly into his black backpack. The roots are not too big, each one about the size of a large apple when all their tangles are included.

Blaze is on the fifth one, when a spirit materializes from Twilight, bursting out of the ground in a spray of moist soil between the two rows of planted roots. "Uratha!" the spirit hisses, taking the form of a long serpiginous and eyeless worm. Sprouting from its black oily corpus grow hundreds of root appendages, covered in a similarly shiny black bark. It speaks from a mouth-hole at the tip of its body, where a head might be, the cavity lined in ribs of red meaty flesh. Accusingly it says, "Uratha, this field is not yours to harvest. You played no roll in its planting!"

Based on its sudden materialization, Blaze can assume that this is the guardian spirit of the field that he stands in.

************************************************** ***********

”He really didn’t want us there…” Kara mused thoughtfully as she pulled the ziplock from her bag and inspected it carefully. ”Something about that vulture thing is giving me a bad feeling, y’know? Anyhow…I really appreciate the hook-up, Michael. Maybe I can help you score some roadies at our next concert to show my appreciation!” The Cahalith waggled her brows suggestively to Michael while they made their way back to his
Michael shrugs uncomfortably at Kara's initial statement, but his face turns full on flush at her offer. "Oh, I'm fine," the kid says with a blushing ****-eating grin, "E and I have this thing going now... if you know what I mean." Michael couldn't be any older than a first or second year into college, and his youth was showing in the mixed pride and embarrassment that was playing out on his face.

”I’m going to let the others know we’re done here. Do you think you could like…drop me off at the harbour where we’re staying? I think that’s a good spot to start. But…I’m going to take this now and see what I can see.”
Michael's eyes widen at the idea of Kara taking the acid now. He responds as if trying to cover for this surprise. "Oh, sure, I hear it can take a while to kick in anyways," he says as he gets back into the car. Michael adds, "I'll take us back to the factory. Uh, do you want me to like stick around and keep an eye on you? My friends and I took shrooms once in high school, and one of us stayed sober to make sure no one had a bad trip or got into any trouble."