[G’nichi’s Door]

No jars this time around.

Little clay cylinders.

They don't appear to be containers of any kind.

Regardless, you move to inspect the island. The warm sand feels rather nice between your toes, a welcome change from the cool sea water. Scattered upon the sands are a number of large snail shells. Conch, moon, whelk, triton. All large and colorful decorations upon the stark white sand. The palm tree leans at a jaunty angle, several coconuts still in their husks dangling from it. As you approach, one of the coconuts drops off and thumps into the sand. Sitting at the base of the tree is a wooden crate about a foot wide on each side.


There also appears to be a fishing net half-buried in the sand, its weave strangely iridescent.

Plenty of interesting things to examine, surely.

What do you do?