Or any similiar of my cruel butchering of the weeb japanese dialect which means "hey'.
Again,I apologize. I am just planning a big family event, and my free time tried to join pathfinder time, but I am regretting out,and I should nourish what I already has.
Well, about letting Senko into team 3, I don't think it would be that hard.
Even modern military orgnanizations have stuff like that.
Like. I remember, that during a specific operation, I was in the medical unit of the battalion, and we sort of were taking charge of soldiers, who didn't had rooms in the tanks. (We were a reserve force.)
And this was quite chaoic mishmash,and I am not talking about World War event.
Or, we had like a super medic dude,who were sent by the Defence ministery, so he would train on our injured.
Sadly for him,no one was injured seriously so he dissapeared to.. somewhere.

And I imagine a new ninja nation, that for the first time, had an organized genin tests would have such shengians.
Like, a genin which his whole team were killed- they will put him in some team. Right?
Also, the Sensei is acting as fatherly figure, in hope of helping crazy soldier kids not to go too crazy.

Speaking of which.
Odayama Sensei who is played by me, supposed to be a chill boring guy, who until now, was supposely a house husband.
He is known as the Sloth Slayer, both for his patience in his assinations, (in the mission which gave him the chunnin title, he waited in the same place for half of year to assinate a single Junin of the leaf) and also for his beast mode.
He is married and father to two daughters, and share the philosophy of the second Ottokage, about wishing to normalize the life of citizens and ninjas alike, as possible,and let kids be kids as much as possible, while training them.
There is a big faction in the village, which are for being hardcore and vengful, they are even majority, but for now, the Ottokage hold it together.

My Genin charactet is Usagi. Who known as the "legless wonder"

During the Sound Indepdence war, her village was slughtered by Leaf ninjas, and out of depsration, she tried to use an animal summonig scroll of a dead ninja- she ripped her family to pieces, and her own legs, while instead summoning herself to the rabbit realm.
They helped there, and she fought for them for a bit, but eventually were sent back. She is alien to normal human society, and a training freak,(using a summoned rabbit to ride on when needed)
She is an expert archer mostly, and know a lullaby jutsu, and use trick arrows,mostly.
She has Rock Lee mindset, and the closest thing she has for a family,is an old one handed factory worker she live with.

She is loud, tact is alien to her,and she even dueled Kimiko,who have begrudginly started to befriend each other.