Mart seems to be really thinking a lot when he walks back to the town and at first doesn't even realize the dog when he appears again. When he does he doesn't say a thing till Coney has spoken.

"Amazing? I don't know, I really thought about going back when Friselda spoke… I had a thing for her, you know." He says openly, silently shaking his head. "I don't know what you did with me back there but." He stays silent for a moment. "You know they told me so much how my rage was unbreakable, I would not falter even when a dragon would charge at me and I believed them. But obviously they lied." He smirks without any humor.

"You turned my world upside down. And instead of using that moment of weakness you even spared me. That doesn't fit with anything I learned." He goes silent for a few more steps. "I had to see for myself what it was all about you know."