Quote Originally Posted by Gnrlshrimp View Post
[Felix's Tower]

"Then build it in a way that suits you." Felix replies with a patient smile. "What it looks like does not matter. How it's shaped does not matter. How many pieces it's in does not matter, as long as you join them all together at the end. And who knows? Perhaps your typical mage misses a trick by focusing too much on making it look nice. The most important thing, is that you make something that you can be proud of. Oh, but it probably would be best to keep things a little simple for now, so I'd recommend making something with two arms, two legs, and so forth."
[Felix's Tower]

Krayger is definitely not a craftsman, but he does know how to cut and carve wood at least. He manages to construct a rough facsimile of a round minotaur shape out of individual pieces, fitting together into a torso with pegs. It's not incredibly pretty, but it does stand on its own with only a little wobble that is fixed with a file.
Krayger likely spends a decent amount of time trying to give it some basic facial features unless Felix tells him to refocus.