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Thread: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XI

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Thragka's Avatar

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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XI

    "Aye, I've some here too," Urgrim added. He shrugged his pack off awkwardly with a restrained wince. Grobkaz! Peeling his gear off tentatively, he examined the wound to his arm.

    After some minutes' seated rest, and a few mouthfuls of tough, dry bread, he pushed himself back to his feet. Scanning the folds of the hills around the group, he tried to plan a reliable route down from the heights.

    Spoiler: OOC
    A Heal test for Urgrim's arm:
    Heal 54 - (1d100)[55]
    Fortune - (1d100)[67] – I'll use that Fortune point to add a degree of success and pass the original test.

    And a Navigation test:
    Navigation 74 - (1d100)[3]
    Fortune - (1d100)[42]
    Last edited by Thragka; 2020-03-18 at 04:35 PM.
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