
I am on streak of inspiration, so what so you think-

The Legend Of The First Ottokage

No one is certain where he came from.
Konoha will surely pay a lot in money and blood to know.
Towering man, yet with steps soft as death, skulls have adorned his shoulders, and he used set of drums made from human skin. Both the skulls and the drums were made of his nakamas.
He has called himself Odokuro*, and has offered his service to the disposed Damiyo Of Rice.
"I am the Sound of the broken. Of the starving and the defeated.' He said.
"Your body doesn't make any lesser Damiyo. The Land Of Fire may burn our rice, but they can't burn our sound!"
With little to no resources, with suicidal charisma, Odokuro has gathered broken and defeated ninjas offering them a second chance for glory.
Or at least a chance to be heard. To be heard by the whole world!
Odokuro has devolped dozens and hundreds of sound based techniques, encouraged mad and forbidden techniques.
He was most known for the "Last Shout' technique, a terrible and destructive self killing technique, which made the weaker and fewer Sound Ninjas a real terror for the Leaf ninjas.
For years he led a bloody indpedence war, until in the battle of Thousand Cries he used the Last Shout, forcing Konoha to finally retreat from the New Land Of Sound.
His three top students nowdays, are the only Junins of Ottokagure, and knowns as the three Sandas/Thunders.
His secretary Nozojo became the second Ottokage.

*refrence to this-


It doesn't have to be 100 true, by the way