Choker seems not to hear the blunder, but you don't hesitate to find out whether he really does. Tazmara, even moving quicker than she woud prefer, notices and avoids the loose floorboard that Marius failed to mention and moves very stealthily, so there is not much else for the choker to hear. He gets blasted by a jet of water for 8 damage and opens his eyes, which have their whites unhealthily red.

The contents of the locked box do not rattle in any way when the box is moved and there is no additional hints at what is inside. Neither there seem to be traps. Neither there seem to be a key in any sufficiently obvious place (you don't ransack the whole tool house). It takes some time, but Laurelata is able to open the box. Inside, in a neat soft packaging material, are (there is no texual commentary about what the symbols mean and what exactly the vials contain):
- a glass vial of liquid, marked with skull and bones
- a glass vial of salt, marked with skull and bones
- two glass flasks of liquid, marked with flames

Tazmara perception: (1d20+5)[19]
Choker perception: (1d20-11)[-10]
I'll treat him as helpless at the moment of Tazmara's attack, but no coup de grace on the attack from the doorway.

=> Marius and Jessica (surprise round)