Spoiler: Bear
Bear knew he had to first get away from the boat house (factory in the Flesh), and pushed off toward the forest. Though a number of days had passed since the fire started by Devouring Inferno, a cloud of cloying black smoke hung low among the charred hard trunks of the now defeated appearing trees. Bear needed a powerful spirit, something strong and resilient who he could rely on to protect his family, and this forest stunk of defeat and death though thankfully not of the decay and rot brought on by the Beshilu.

Bear pushed forward, and as despair set in, he finally came across the scent of something organic, something strong. If one had asked him, Bear would have been completely unable to name what it was he was chasing. Bear began to follow the scent

The black smoke obscured Bear's vision and clouded the scent trail, and several times the Uratha lost the scent. It took Bear far longer than he liked to find his quarry, and several times he was certain that he was running in circles, but after nearly two hours of hunting Bear came upon a clearing in the woods.

The first thing Bear saw were glowing red eyes towering above the ground, flashing out in the smoke induced darkness. Then there was the growl, a threat against approaching any closer. Bear was unable to see more than the great red eyes, but this spirit must have been massive, maybe over ten feet tall, and he could feel the power of Essence pushing out from the spirit.