The thick, cloying air inside the wagon doesn't seem to be immediately threatening, so much as gross and moderately uncomfortable. As Keshkaru and Vorgrok enter the space, it quickly becomes clear that the threat is... unusual. There's simply nowhere in the wagon big enough for much of an enemy to hide, yet nothing threatening immediately becomes apparent. In her haste to find an enemy, the Iruxi brushes against something squishy. A sound not unlike a belch comes from the thing, and a thick glob of greasy goop slams into her face at point blank range (Keshkaru takes 10 poison damage). She grimaces, as much of the slop makes its way into her eyes and ears, but manages to continue holding her breath- avoiding what could have been even more unpleasant.

In almost the same moment, she bumps into Vorgrok, sending the Dwarf stumbling into the other wall- where he finds a similar squishy tube. He fares slightly better, taking the ensuing belch on his upper chest instead of face (Vorgrok takes 4 poison damage), and in stoic, Dwarven fashion, he inhales deeply of the hallucinogenic pollen- but his sheer fortitude overcomes its clinging spores.

The cloudy interior of the wagon remains, for the moment, almost totally opaque in the rapidly-dimming sunlight, and for now the details of the threat remain somewhat unknown.

map updated
Spoiler: OOC
Players to act!