Lumineth Realmlords get some previews. I'm not sure hammers and elves really go together the way they want us to think that they do, but the armor looks nice - and the stated intention is to redefine what you think of as an elf army, so there you go. I think that of the new cowgods, the one with the large hammer works better - in this instance, being a double-kit kind of did a disservice to the more active of the two poses, I think. Doublehammer cow looks a bit caught in the headlights.

I really love the new Scions of the Flame warband. I think they're distinct from the other warbands and reference certain real-world aesthetics while still combining them in interesting ways to make something new. No idea for abilities other than a possible Double to let them throw some fire, like Raven Dart or Iron Bolas. But probably no use speculating, eh?