Quote Originally Posted by LordCdrMilitant View Post
At the very minimum, if a restless retired soldier with a greatsword, a hobo with a pointy stick and stolen crossbow, an interant evangelical firebrand preacher, a college lass/lad unable to get hired after graduation, and a young noble born with magic power having a "you don't understand my powers MOM" moment, or any other half-common character archetype can see off companies of soldiers, what's to stop literally anyone from from just deciding they don't want to pay taxes today? Anyone with a couple of years of being a murderhobo under their belt would be able to found kingdoms or overthrow them singlehandedly, and the world would be total chaos.
That's a reversal of causality. Any of those backrounds is not the reason these individuals have exeptional skills. Having exeptional talent, education, training or a supernatural connection coupled with ambition or drive is. Leaving ordered society won't give you superpowers or the potential thereof. The vast majority of individuals with such a backround will end their lives in poverty, crime or death. The player characters are part of the minority (maybe even its full extend) of those who do have the skills for an adventurous life. In any case, the PCs are outliers, not the norm.

The vibe I'm getting from your post is that you have a problem with powerful player charcters in general. If so, any reason why?