* I cannot curse out the king of the Gnomes in Halfling because I'm in a bad mood, no matter how controlled I keep my facial expressions and body language.
** I must remember that the roll determining whether the King understood me was a fluke, and cannot/should not be counted on again.
*** I cannot ask a party member to cover for my sudden speech in Halfling by telling the king it was an ancient greeting for royalty.

* I'm not allowed to call the warlock with anger issues an idiot to his face.
** I'm not allowed to follow up with an insult about his mother.
*** I'm not allowed to purposefully heal the party member on the opposite side of the combat zone from the warlock out of spite.
**** I'm not allowed to join the warlock's crime syndicate and immediately start a civil war.
***** I'm not allowed to be embarrassed IC by the name of the crime syndicate if OOC I approved the name.

* If the rest of the party is made up of chaotic stupid characters, I can't assume that we'll have a full healer when I make my character.
** If my character only has three spell slots, I shouldn't spend two on the same person if other people need healing.
*** I can't cast Hail of Thorns when a character on low HP is in the effect zone, even if I'm unaligned with the person in question at the time.
**** Attempting to justify putting another player on death saves by saying "Chill out, I'll heal you, it's not a big deal" is not tactful and should not be done under any circumstances.

* If the Fighter hoists my Tiefling into the air like it's nothing, I'm not allowed to use a reaction to punch him in the face with her tail.
** Or headbutt him when he lets me down.
*** Or do any of this in a plot-relevant area we could get kicked out of if we have a brawl in the entrance.