There is a quiet frown that Rem tries to hide, perhaps knowing of how the Golden Lord and Real Man Xiao embody two different extremes. It's not hard to see how they could be at such odds. On the one side, earthly suffering and punishment, that the body may become resilient; on the other, utter detachment from worldly concerns. Perhaps, once upon a time, Rem believed more in such taoist teachings, as a healer should, but...

There was nothing to be gained from completely detaching oneself from the world.

"Pray allow me to speak firm. The Magistrate aids and abets corruption," Rem speaks very firmly. "He has a fear of you, and you rescue xiaoren and slaved and criminals from him... but what of your long term plans? You must know there is much more suffering outside of your realm, so long as the systems that caused such suffering remain in place."