Hey look it's a Halo today. No April Fool's fun joke beyond what Em says in video because they're very good and smart.

Zodi Plays: Halo [4] Alegria Reconciliation

Video Length: 21:45

In this exciting episode of Halo, we begin level three! It's the game's first sniping section, wherein we have big powerful rifles and a lot of boys far away from us that need a bullet in the face. There's turrets and stuff too, it's actually really cool. But while recording the sun was up at just the right position to make it very hard for me to see my screen... a screen that is immediately and obviously visible in recording. So I'm gonna look a little bit like a dumbass during this one. As well, Em got a new headset so their audio quality is different, and I overadjusted the game audio to compensate. Oops!

That aside, not much to talk about. We finally encounter Hunters for the first time, and I get to extol Em about the glorious goal of all sentient life; praise the worm. So that's fun. Hope you all enjoyed! I'll see you guys next time!