@All: I am noticing the game dragging a little already, which I expect is partly my fault for leaving things very sandboxy and open ended to begin with. I am going to give till this afternoon for characters to discuss, and if nothing is going, we will move things forward to the train arriving. However, for the sake of keeping the game afloat, please speak up if you wan the scene moved forward. I won't ever take offense. With PbP it is always hard to judge whether people are just busy, or they feel like they have nothing to contribute and just want things moved forward, so please speak up.

@Banana: My apologies for the delay in getting to everything you've put forward. I am fine with the change in starting XP expenditure and the starting minor powers. However, while reading through everything all over again, I caught an error I previously made, which is that Marcella's starting WP bonus before any XP was spent was 4, meaning she should have 2 base powers before purchasing further (with the book stating that you don't gain further powers by upping WP). However, since I already approved it, I will let it slide.

Of course, I could be wrong in my reading of the book, but again, let's just keep it as is anyways.

In regards to your write ups, I really like what you did with the satellite. Can we give it a name? In regards to the location on Helius, I think I am still going to ask for an additional location. I apologize for this, but the more I think about it, regardless of whether or not Marcella has her own quarters, it's not really a location we can use as a setting to explore in the game, which was the goal of the write ups. I hope this makes sense. In regards to Rhinehart, again, as long as we are under the understanding that he does not know she is working for the Inquisition. I don't care how powerful he is, and if he is capable of ripping it from her skull, he just can't know. Perhaps he has not bothered to probe her mind, or perhaps he respects her too much to invade her brain in such a manner.