
I have something to say that needs saying before we bury father. Caelyn stands shakily from the grave she and Kess have dug. Her hands are raw from clutching the rock she used to dig, and her entire body feels like it has been trampled by animals, but she makes her way over to Vyvian and stands in front of her. Unlike most of their negative interactions, she isn't worked up and screaming, or sarcastic and venomous. Only bone tired and resolved. I was thinking about all of this while I was digging, and if I don't get it out now it will fester in my heart. She takes a deep breath before speaking without taking a breath of pausing.

You were right. Father would have been upset with us for having the wrong priorities back there. Honestly though, he probably would have had us flee and leave him there for the gibberlings, so we're all bad children in the best fashion possible for recovering him. But we all KNOW he would have been livid for you using a weapon instead of your words to correct us. We were scared, we were tired, and we'd all just lost the man dearest to all our hearts. We made a mistake by accident. But firing that bow shot past Senna and nearly into my hand was an intentional mistake. I know you're just as upset as the rest of us, so I think we can all forgive you that, but if father were alive he would have taken your bow and grounded you to your room for a month for that stunt. But father is gone, and we need to be better. Better than we could afford to be as his children in Candlekeep. That starts today. She turns her head to address everyone. For all of us.We need to be better. To ourselves, and more importantly to each other. She turns back to Vyvian, her face sorrowful and her body trembling. Before you sneer or make a crack, remember you're talking to the sister that has been shooting with you since father let us practice with wooden arrows. I've seen you miss, Vyv. And if you'd missed, Senna could have been hit. I could have an arrow through my hand. I'm not going to yell at you, threaten you, or harbor a grudge. We don't have time for that. But remember how father would have wanted us to act, and be better. If we don't all do that, he won't be the only loss we have. That being said, she moves over to the hole and looks down in it. It's not deep enough. Animals could still dig him up. She scoops up Kess and thanks him in his own language for his hard work. Can someone else take a turn? I think I'm going to pass out...