Cheerful Sam
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

During the burial of Gorion, Sam made a small grave maker out of sticks and stones, gathering the stones around the base of the branch to help it stand. He used a little of the flames from his belly to singe the top of the branch, then put it out. Giving the top a blackened texture like the top of a wick. Like a candle. He said no words allowed, but a prayer to Bahamut to guide Gorion to the just rest he has earned.

Sam's eyes felt fuzzy all that morning, and it was not tears. Actually, he wasn't sure if he was physically able to cry. Do dragons cry? Maybe it's just him. Beside him, on his shoulder, his reluctant companion kept rubbing her eyes as well. Thankfully whatever it was, it passed as they traveled.

When they come across the travelers on the road, Sam forces on a smile, trying not to look so morose. Despite Senna's objections, he smiles and approaches the two, offering a handshake. "Hey, sorry 'bout the ill mood. We lost someone the other day. Still processing and all that." He peeks down at the bag of potions the strangely-painted traveler is carrying. "And you know what they say, a dragon never turns away gifts, haha!" The actual phrase included 'a dragon never forgets his debts,' but Sam often conveniently forgot that part.