"Fruit bowl? Let me see what I've got. Hey Nina?" Zee replies, making a gesture toward Jason, who retrieves a beer for the super hero.

They've got quite a few different brews on tap but thankfully Zee invested in that randomize handle for people who don't specify what they want!

A dark ale with a strong head is delivered to Jason.

"Oh, I'm glad the fissure thing worked out. I was pretty relieved that it wasn't full of monsters or something," Zee says as she begins dicing a collection of fresh fruit. A little condensed milk, a little sprinkle of powdered sugar, aaaand-!

The bowl is set before Carlie.

"There you go! I don't think anyone has ordered this before so I hope it's okay."

Zee tries to do a good job of improvising with unusual orders.

Given how diverse their customer base is one can never guess what sort of odd things someone might want.