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    Ettin in the Playground

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    May 2015

    Default Re: The Legacy of Dominic Deegan: The Unending Snark

    Quote Originally Posted by random11 View Post
    You mean the pages that belonged to him and were stolen?
    At least based on his facial expression, he took pity on Snout, maybe seeing him as an innocent bystander working for the witch without knowing all the details.
    Stunning him and destroying the way to communicate with the witch were just a way to try to leave him out of this.
    The pages originally being his and that he might have a good motivation doesn't change that the orc has played a antagonistic role* in relation to Snout so far.
    Maybe that will change, maybe not, we'll see.
    Would be funny if Arudak followed Snout because he noticed the poor guy wanted the book too and tried to give it to him.

    *Mind you, antagonist, not villain or bad guy. If the story's about the Evil Overlord conquering all of creation he's both the villain/bad guy and the Protagonist and the ragtag bunch of misfits trying to stop him might be the heroes, but they're also the antagonists.
    Last edited by Kantaki; 2020-04-11 at 08:08 PM.
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