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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Elemental Plane Of D20

    Default Re: Fallout IX: Nuclear Cash Cows Go MMOoooooo!

    Quote Originally Posted by GloatingSwine View Post
    It really doesn't though.

    Fallout 1 and 2 were not actually terribly interested in the world before the bombs fell, they're about exploring and affecting the strange new societies that developed in the aftermath.

    They started from a different place to modern expectations of post-nuclear SF for stylistic reasons, not because they were interested in a world where the '50s never ended.

    Or Bethesda didn't give a **** what happened in previous Fallout games, probably never even read about the things they were including and how they related to the world, and kludged in things that shouldn't have been there because they have no imagination or narrative talent of their own they just lazily copied the iconography of Fallout and pasted it over their puddle-deep open world design?
    As much as I love bashing Bethesda for their treatment of the Fallout franchise I'm pretty sure you can get Myron to admit that he didn't actually invent Jet in Fallout 2, but it may an involuntary memory retcon on my behalf
    Last edited by Driderman; 2020-04-12 at 01:31 PM.